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HOWTO: Helix Player MS2 (MileStone 2)

by Thomas Chung on Jan 28, 2004

UPDATE 2004-03-07:
Please visit the original Helix Player Tutorial for the latest NEWS UPDATE

In the previous Helix Player Tutorial, I've covered how to build RPM package from Nightly Build Tarball. Since then, they have released Helix Player MS2 (MileStone 2) on 2004-01-15 with new installer. Let's take a look how to install it using their new Binary Installer.

Download hxplay-linux-2.2-libc6-gcc32-i586.bin from following location.
Note: You need to register with Helix Community and agree with their Binary End User License Agreement in order to download.

Here is the screeenshot for download page: download.png

To install it:

[tchung@tchung101 tchung]$ cd ~/download
[tchung@tchung101 download]$ ll
total 4896
-rw-------    1 tchung   tchung    5000589 Jan 28 18:26 hxplay-linux-2.2-libc6-gcc32-i586.bin
[tchung@tchung101 download]$ chmod +x hxplay-linux-2.2-libc6-gcc32-i586.bin
[tchung@tchung101 download]$ ll
total 4896
-rwx--x--x    1 tchung   tchung    5000589 Jan 28 18:26 hxplay-linux-2.2-libc6-gcc32-i586.bin
[tchung@tchung101 download]$ sudo ./hxplay-linux-2.2-libc6-gcc32-i586.bin
Extracting files for Helix installation........................
Welcome to the Helix Player ( Setup for UNIX
Setup will help you get Helix Player running on your computer.
Press [Enter] to continue...

Enter the complete path to the directory where you want
Helix Player to be installed.  You must specify the full
pathname of the directory and have write privileges to
the chosen directory.
Directory:  [/home/tchung/download]: /usr/local/HelixPlayer

You have selected the following Helix Player configuration:
Destination:            /usr/local/HelixPlayer
Enter [F]inish to begin copying files, or [P]revious to go
back to the previous prompts: [F]:

Copying Helix Player files...configuring system...
configuring mozilla...
configuring hxplay script...
configuring mime types, results in mimeinstall.log
Helix Player installation is complete.
Cleaning up installation files...
[tchung@tchung101 download]$
Now test your Helix Player MS2 from previous HelixPlayer Tutorial page

Personal Note: I just noticed they finally gave me a credit in MS2. :)
From the Helix Player MS2, go to Help and choose Release Notes.